We want you to get the apartment you deserve.

That means not losing out on apartments you love. That means not moving into a new apartment only to discover it has a bunch of unforeseen problems. That means not paying a broker fee unless you absolutely have to.

What We Hear & Why We’re Here

"This apartment was already rented."

"This doesn't look like the photos online!”

“This apartment already has 5 applications!”

"The line to tour is out the door!”

"I really want to avoid paying an unnecessary broker's fee."

"Brokers won't answer me!"

"I want to know about off market listings!”

"NYC brokers & landlords are sketchy!"

Transforming the NYC Rental Process

We believe that in the NYC rental market, there is a significant lack of transparency and accurate apartment information online. Throughout the process of finding, viewing, and applying to an apartment, renters can face a multitude of obstacles, such as fake or inaccurate listings, hidden costs, undisclosed apartment problems, and sketchy landlords, management & brokers, and more! Furthermore, while broker's fees can cost renters thousands of dollars, in many cases, these fees can can be avoided or reduced.

At ApartmentsTogetherNYC, our mission is to provide our clients with the knowledge they'll need to confidently navigate the intimidating NYC rental market. Our hands-on experience, paired with our deep-rooted knowledge of NYC rental properties, management companies, neighborhoods and more, allow us to provide our clients with honest and transparent information that we feel is lacking in the current rental process.

By not affiliating ourselves with any landlords, and charging a low upfront fee, ApartmentsTogetherNYC ensures that all the information you receive from us regarding an apartment, a building or an application is reliable, and unbiased.

We are not a real estate brokerage

Some traditional brokerages/agents work with both renters AND landlords. This can result in a significant conflict of interest, making unbiased assistance nearly impossible.

Usually, traditional brokerages/agents get paid when the lease is signed. This results in some agents simply telling you what you want to hear so they can close the deal, or steering you towards apartments that will pay them more.

ApartmentsTogetherNYC works strictly with you, the renter, ensuring unbiased, honest information about the listing, management, landlord, etc.

ApartmentsTogetherNYC charges an initial, low flat-fee for our service, allowing us to provide accurate, honest feedback without any underlying motivation.

Some traditional brokerages/agents post false or inaccurate listings/photos to attract more clients, resulting in wasted time and unrealistic market expectations.

Apartments Together NYC provides relevant information about listings and landlords to save you time, effort and frustration.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are two main advantages to using ApartmentsTogether as opposed to a traditional brokerage.

    1. We don't charge 1-2 month Broker's fees

    Unlike brokerages who will charge you between 1 and 2 months rent as a broker fee, we emphasize a significantly more affordable pricing structure... In fact, our service is up to 90% cheaper than what a broker would charge you.

    2. We guide, we don't push.

    Traditional brokerage’s goals do not align with renter’s goals. First, brokerages get paid when deals get done. Many times, this pricing structure encourages brokers to pressure clients into taking an apartment, in an attempt to close more deals, OR steer clients (consciously or unconsciously) to a listing that is paying them. It makes you think: What underlying motivation may be driving your broker's actions?

    Second, brokers fee are based on your monthly rent. So why would a broker try to help you negotiate when they’d get paid more by simply not.

    At ApartmentsTogether, we set a low, flat fee, and in doing so, we ensure we can remain completely unbiased throughout your search, without you having to worry about any underlying motivation on our end.

    Pricing structure allows us to remain unbiased throughout your search, as well as negotiate on your behalf, and provide the most accurate apartment information available...without charging you thousands.

  • Our service has no time limit! That being said, you should reach out to ApartmentsTogether around 60-90 days before you plan to make your move to NYC.

    Please be aware, you must reach out to us BEFORE you reach out to a broker and tour an apartment. Once you see an apartment with a broker, we can NOT help you skip the broker fee. Once you sign a lease, we can NOT help you get out of it. Always reach out to us first. Our initial call is free!

  • As opposed to the traditional buyer broker model which typically charge clients between one month's rent and 15% of the yearly rent (the average broker fee in NYC is $5000), ApartmentsTogether Basic Service starts at just $500.

  • Once you sign up, our team will connect you to several resources to jumpstart your search the right way. Then, we are here 24/7 to answer any questions you have every step of the way.

    Our Service Includes

    1. Our team will teach you everything you need to know about NYC, the neighborhoods and the process of renting an apartment.

    2. Our team will run full background checks into any apartment listing you find online, including complaints, violations and whether you can skip a brokers fee.

    3. Our Team will actively send you listings that match your criteria as they hit the market.

    4. Our Team will prepare your apartment applications.

    5. We will also schedule and/or attend apartment tours for and/or with you for $150/each OR 5 for $500.

    6. Our team will then make sure you fully understand ALL of your apartment options before deciding on an apartment, including all the upfront costs and pros & cons of each option.

    Our goal is to equip clients with the tools, knowledge and tips they’ll need to navigate NYC’s fast paced rental market confidently, giving clients a big competitive advantage over other renters at a fair price.

  • While our service has no time limit, 30 to 90 days is the standard length of time most clients end up working with us before picking their apartment.

    NYC moves fast, so if you need an apartment within a week or 2, we can help you get that done.

  • Brokers do NOT have a chokehold on apartment information anymore. Because we are technically a brokerage, we get access to the same listings that brokers do…we simply charge less.

    We also can provide relevant information into ANY listing you find online, so you know what you’ll be getting yourself into before you apply. We do this using New York State public records, as well as several private databases and other online resources. We also have over a decade of experience in the NYC rental market, so we know the red flags when we see them!

    Because we have experience in the industry, but only work for YOU instead of landlords, our team is able to provide unbiased, reliable apartment information.

  • ApartmentsTogetherNYC aims to mitigate uncertainty by educating clients and equipping them with all the information they'll need to be confident when making their move. By providing information about the apartments you find online, we can ensure you know what you will be getting yourself into, including complaints, violations and other unknowns that landlords and agents may have tried to hide. We also provide relevant landlord information to ensure that if you DO NOT NEED to pay a broker's fee, you WILL NOT.

    Lastly, we are happy to include any specifically requested information you feel you would like to know about a listing, as well as market data and historical pricing data.

  • No.

    Broker’s fees can charge renters up to 2 month’s rent for only a few hours of work.

    Instead of charging you an outrageous broker's fee when you sign a lease, ApartmentsTogetherNYC provides apartment consulting starting at $300 per person

  • Buyer's Brokers or Buyer's Agents work with people looking to buy, or in this case rent, apartments. A buyer's broker works for a renter and owes them all of the fiduciary responsibilities required of an agent. If anyone has taken you on multiple tours and is trying to represent you, they are a buyer's agent. ApartmentsTogether focuses entirely on buyer agency to ensure that we always have renter's (our client's) best interests at heart (Our Apartment Concierges are examples of buyer's agents). For any of our services, we don't work for landlords, we work for you.

    Listing Brokers or Listing agents, are agents who list (advertise) apartments on behalf of landlords. These agents work for the landlord and owe their landlord all the fiduciary responsibilities required of an agent. Listing agents are trying to get the best deal possible for the landlord, and if you go see an apartment being advertised by an agent, be aware of what you say to them; it may hurt your bargaining power.

    Going at it alone against an expert can be daunting, especially when they are trying to get the best deal for the party you are negotiating against (the landlord). Try one of our services and get someone on your side for a low flat fee!

Get started, today.